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General product information

  • How do I choose the right 3D printer?
    All 3D printers in the 123-3D.co.uk range deliver excellent print quality, have a very solid frame and are also easy to use for beginners.

    To find the 3D printer that best suits your needs, you can follow the steps below:

    1. A 3D printer with one or two extruders?
    Do you want to 3D print with two colours or two filament types at the same time? Then you need a model with two extruders. This allows for two-tone objects and objects with openings and cavities (by using a soluble support material). Do you want to 3D print only single-coloured objects? Then a printer with a single / mono extruder is sufficient. These are cheaper than the dual extruder models.

    2. A 3D printer with or without a heated bed?
    A 3D printer without a heated bed provides good printing results with PLA and PETG filament. The addition of a heated bed to the printer also makes it possible to print with materials such as ABS without warping. This is because the heated bed provides a more gradual cooling of printed objects, which is a requirement for some materials.

    3. A large or small printer model?
    With a higher model 3D printer you have the possibility to 3D print higher objects. Do you plan to create only small or low objects? Then a compact model 3D printer is sufficient.

    4. Printer Specifications
    You can look at the unique possibilities and specifications of each printer, such as the print speed, resolution, the design of the 3D printer (open or closed, colour) and whether you have a preference for a specific 3D printer brand to narrow down your decision.

    Click here for our 3D printer comparison table.

    Alternative for DIYers: 3D printer kit
    Would you like to build your 3D printer yourself from individual parts? You can also contact 123-3D.co.uk for a DIY 3D printer kit.

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