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ABS stands for Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Stryene and has an oil base.
is a thermoplastic and softens when heated. After cooling, it keeps its shape; ideal for 3D printing all kinds of objects.
An agent / substance that prevents the growth of micro-organisms such as bacteria.
Antimicrobial filament
is ideal for printing toys, educational materials, kitchen utensils, etc.
Bowden extruder
An extruder system in which the extruder is not mounted directly on the hotend, but first pushes the filament through a hose (the PTFE tube or "Bowden tube") to the hotend. The advantage of a
Bowden extruder
is that the 3D printer has to move less weight and can therefore accelerate faster. The disadvantage is that often more retraction has to take place and that often no flexible filament can be used.
Cold end
Part of an extruder. The
cold end
is the part that (often) is physically above the hotend and ensures that the filament does not (yet) start to melt.
Drive gear
Part of the extruder. The
drive gear
is recognisable by serrations and/or sharp teeth. The wheel that pushes the filament to the cold end and hotend.
Dual extruder
A common term for dual printhead 3D printers. With a dual extruder, the
3D printer
is able to print 2 colours or 2 different materials.
Part of the 3D printer that pushes the filament to the hotend. The
, as it were, presses the filament out of the nozzle (printer head) via the hotend. The extruder contains a cold end and a hotend.
Fuse Deposition Molding is a 3D printing technique in which the object is built up by melting different layers together.
FFF stands for Fuses Filament Fabrication. FFF is identical to FDM, however FDM is a trademark of a major 3D printer manufacturer. The members of the RepRap project coined the term "FFF" to avoid conflict with the owner of the term FDM.
A wire of thermoplastic that is fed through the extruder to the hotend. The filament is liquefied by means of heat and deposited as a thin strip on the print bed via the nozzle. The
is the consumable part of a 3D printer.
Greg's extruder
The name of a commonly used
cold end
Heated bed
A heated
print bed
that ensures that the printed object cools less quickly. A more gradual cooling prevents warping of the printed object.
HIPS stands for High Impact Polystyrene. Polystyrene is a widely used thermoplastic worldwide, for example used in disposable cups, CD covers and food packaging.
HIPS filament
for 3D printers contains extra additives, making it stronger than pure polystyrene.
Hobbed bolt
Part of the extruder. A
hobbed bolt
is a type of drive gear made from a steel bolt.
is the part of the extruder where the filament is melted so that it is liquid and can be printed.
J Head
J head
is a certain type of hotend (in the shape of a J). Many different versions of the J head hotend have been made.
Kapton tape
Kapton tape is a type of adhesive tape that can withstand extreme temperatures, from -260°C to +400°C.
Kapton tape
is widely used in the aircraft and aerospace industry. In 3D printing it is used on the print bed, where it ensures good adhesion.
A very extensive and further developed electronics board for (self-build) 3D printers.
is ideal for the user who wants to get the most out of their 3D printer.
An electronics board that is suitable for most 3D printers.
has step drivers on board and offers the right functionality for most (home-made) 3D printers.
The part of the hotend where the filament is extruded. Often the nozzle has a very small opening <=0.5mm. The nozzle can be exchanged on most hotends so that a different nozzle can be fitted.
The material PET (Polyethylene terephthalate) is known for the transparent deposit bottles (PET bottles) and is fully recyclable.
PETG filament
(PET modified with glycol) is a very strong and water-repellent material for 3D printing.
PLA stands for PolyLactic Acid and is a sustainable alternative to traditional plastic.
PLA filament
is made from biodegradable, renewable raw materials and has a naturally transparent appearance. By adding dyes you can 3D print with many colours of PLA filament.
An industrial coupling for connecting PTFE pipes where movements are made by means of air pressure. A
pneufit coupling
is mainly used with 3D printers for coupling the Bowden tube.
PTFE tube
The tube with which a Bowden extruder is made. A
PTFE tube
is available in different diameters, for different types of filament diameters.
PVA stands for Polyvinyl Alcohol and is a (slowly) biodegradable polymer. In 3D printing,
PVA filament
is mainly used for printing support materials.
Servo motor
A device to control a mechanical movement without a direct mechanical connection. Unlike a stepper motor, a
motor works with a negative feedback and always tries to move to the correct position.
Single extruder
A common term for 3D printers with a single print head. With a
3D printer
with a single extruder, it is possible to print with 1 colour or material.
Stepper motor
The motor that provides the movements in a 3D printer.
Stepper motors
work in steps so that the printer electronics know exactly which position they are in. If a stepper motor is blocked, causing it to miss or skip steps, the printer literally loses count. This is a common problem with a 3D printer that prints too quickly.
A resistor that is extra temperature sensitive. By switching this with a different resistor, it is possible to make a temperature sensor with it. A
is mounted on the hotend so that the printer electronics know how hot the hotend is.
Timing Belts
that transfers motion from the stepper motor to various components within a 3D printer.
TPE stands for Termoplastic Elastomer and is a general term for plastics that have a high elasticity at room temperature.
TPE filament
is extremely flexible and strong.
Wade's extruder
The name of a commonly used
cold end
. A similar version is Greg's Extruder.
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