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Help: How to use our webshop
How to locate your product
If you do not know which filament or part is suitable for your 3D printer, search step by step via the menu on the left.
For filament: In the menu on the left, first select the main category "Filament". Search by printer type or by filament type. Not sure which filament your 3D printer uses? Then you can search by printer type. Select the desired filament type that is suitable for your printer. Choose the quantity and click on "order". The item is now added to the shopping cart at the top right. Repeat the same process until you are done shopping. For all other products: First select the main category in the menu on the left. Choose the subcategory(ies). Choose the quantity of the desired item and click on "order". The item is now added to the shopping cart at the top right. Repeat these steps until you are done shopping.
Can't find what you're looking for?
You can use the 'Search product' box on the left hand side of your screen by typing the printer model or tpe of filament that you are looking for (please be as specific as possible). If there are too many results, try to refine your search criteria. You can type in several words (but separate each with a space!).
Shopping cart:
When you've selected all of the products that you wish to purchase, click on the 'Order' button at the top right side of your screen. Review the contents of the cart and modify its contents if necessary with the '+', '-' or 'X' buttons. Then press the 'Proceed to checkout' button.
To complete your order:
If you've ordered via before then......
Please log in with your email address and password and press the 'Log in as existing customer' button, ensure your customer data is correct and click 'Next'. Choose a delivery option, then choose a payment option, fill out the various fields and click the 'Pay Now' button. Your order is completed and you'll receive an order confirmation by email.
If it's your first time to use then........
Please press the 'New private customer' or 'New commercial customer' button then fill out your contact details and click 'Next'. Choose a delivery option, then choose a payment option, fill out the various fields and click the 'Pay Now' button. Your order has been completed and you'll receive an order confirmation by email.
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