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  • My 3D print has holes between the outer wall and the infill  

My 3D print has holes between the outer wall and the infill  

3D Printing Help Centre


In the 123-3D help centre, we answer all your questions about 3D software and printer settings, problems you may experience during or after 3D printing and other 3D-related topics.

My 3D print has holes between the outer wall and the infill  

Each layer of your 3D print consists of a combination of the outer edge and the infill. The outer contour lines form a firm and solid outer edge for the print and determine the wall thickness. The infill of the print generally consists of a quick 'back-and-forth' pattern between the outer edges and fills in the rest of the layer. Due to the difference in print pattern between the outer edges and the infill, it is important that these two adhere well to each other. If you see that there are gaps between the outer edges and the infill, this can have various causes.

  • Adjust the overlap settings

    Depending on which software you use, you can adjust the “infill overlap” or “outline overlap” option in the settings. This option determines the percentage of the outer border and the fill overlap. You will find this function in the software settings of your 3D slicer program.
  • Printing too fast

    If changing the overlap in settings has no effect, you can adjust the print speed. The infill of your 3D print is generally printed much faster than the outer edges. However, if it is printed too quickly, it will not have a chance to adhere properly to the outer edge. Adjusting the print speed changes the speed of the extruder when it is actively squeezing plastic. If you reduce the speed by, for example, 50% and you notice that no more holes form, you can increase the speed until you have found the perfect speed for your 3D printer.
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