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How to Store Filament

How to store 3d filament

Why it’s Important to Store Filament Properly

Filament storage is extremely important. If stored incorrectly, it can have adverse effects on the print quality and strength. For example, filament can become brittle and snap when wet. Here we’ll explain how to store filament.

Best Practices to Follow When Storing Filament

First of all, filament should be stored in a sealed bag or in an airtight plastic container. This is to prevent moisture being absorbed from the air.

If the 3D printer filament gets wet, you may hear a popping sound when printing with it. This is the water turning to steam and escaping from the printed parts.

To dry your filament, you should use a filament dry box. This is a heated container that dries the filament to the correct humidity prior to printing. Any filament storage humidity below 25% should be good enough for most applications. Some filament manufacturers, however, will give their own requirements for drying their filaments.

Our Product Recommendations

At 123-3D.co.uk, we recommend the following products for drying filament:

Silica Gel Desiccant Bag

SUNLU FilaDryer S2 Drybox

These products have been designed to help with the process of 3D filament storage and are available to buy from us today!