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  • A Comprehensive Guide to Setting Up a 3D Printer

A Comprehensive Guide to Setting Up a 3D Printer

We are aware that some of the Manufacturer's instructions are not as comprehensive as they should be when it comes to preparing a printer to print. So, we thought that we would produce this guide to help beginners.

For this guide, we are using the Creality Ender 3 v2 Neo printer.

The following information is generic across a wide range of different printers and not specific to this model. The principles are fundamentally the same. 

This guide will help you achieve a higher quality print, faster.

The most common problems we are asked in Customer Service are:

Why does the print bed wobble?

Why does the arm move?

Why is the extruder not fixed securely and why has it got a lot of free play movement?
This is very easily remedied and we should note that these are not mentioned in most printer instruction manuals.

On the Z-axis we have two eccentric cammed nuts that will allow us to adjust the wheels, in order to give the right friction on the track. It will also remove any excessive play from the printer.

It’s very easy to make small turns, checking each time that the required amount of resistance is reached.

The aim is for the wheels to be able to move with very little friction.

Once completed and you’ve checked that they are not too tight, with a snug fit on the track, we can move on to the extruder.

We are then going to tighten the eccentric nuts under the print bed.

The red arrows in the pictures below highlight the position of these.

Once the eccentric nuts have been adjusted, the extruder, Z-axis and print bed will all be firm with any excessive play removed.

The next step is checking the tension of the belts.

This is a very important step. If the belts are too loose it can cause the motor to slip. This will then have a negative impact on your print.

The belts predominantly don't want to be too tight but there needs to be just a slight amount of tension.

For anybody who plays a guitar, it'll be very similar to tightening a guitar string.

Once we have made sure that everything's tight and moves freely, the next step is to move on to the levelling of the print bed.

It is very important that we do everything in this order.

Firstly, we want to tighten all the wheels, which compresses the springs, so it pulls the bed as low as it can possibly go.

Once that has been done, we will then Auto home the printer.

Next, we are going to manually level the print bed.

Before we start this process, it is important to disable the stepper motors within the ‘Prepare’ menu on your printer.

If this doesn’t happen and you try to manually move the axis, it can generate an electrical spike via the motors, which can then damage the printer. It's very important to disable them before you start this process.

Next, slide the print bed back.

Move the extruder over to the front left corner of the print bed.

Take a piece of paper and slide it between the nozzle and the print bed.

Turn the wheel until you can feel a little resistance between the nozzle, paper and the print bed.

Once this has been done, move the extruder over to the far wheel.

Repeat the process again.

Once done, move the print bed towards to the rear wheel.

When doing this it's important to only make very small adjustments.

Once completed, repeat the process, checking each corner of the print bed again, until satisfied that this has been completed.

Finally, we can then home the printer and we're now ready to start our first print.

We hope this has helped you to get your printer set up!

Remember, if you need any extra parts or filament, we stock a wide range of 3D products at 123-3D.co.uk.