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3D Pen Stencils


Using 3D pen stencils

Need inspiration? Our 3D pen stencils make it easy to instantly draw impressive 3D creations! Stencils are for 3D pen artists of all ages and all skill levels.

This is how it works:
1. Choose a nice stencil (like the one on the right). 
2. Print the stencil on regular paper.
3. Trace all the lines with the 3D pen.
    (The colours can of course be determined by yourself).
4. Connect the parts with each other with the 3D printer pen.

Tip 1: 
A cutting mat is an ideal surface for 3D drawing.

Tip 2: 
Place a sheet of tracing paper over a stencil so that the printed object is very easy to remove.

Tip 3:
Use masking tape to attach the stencil to the surface so that the stencil cannot move.
Popular 3D pen stencils
Click on the image to download a PDF stencil of the design.