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TMC2209 Stepper Driver | 1/256 step interpolation v 1.2

Product Brand - BigTreeTech
This product is end of life.
This product can be ordered 1 time(s).
The TMC2209 stepper driver is a powerful stepper motor driver, equipped with interpolation functionality. This makes it possible to have 1/256 microsteps on the output with a 1/16 microstep driver. This makes the TMC2209 v1.2 an incredibly quiet driver, so that no heavy CPU is required.
Tunnel code: n/a Brand: BIGTREETECH
Operating volt logic: 3.3 - 5V Chip: TMC2209
Input voltage: 5.5V-28V Hazard class: n/a
Max current: 2 A Our item no: DAR00795